Our Name

Have you heard of the lost city of Petra? It’s located in Jordan, and that is where we get our name. We’re kind of stone geeks that way. Also, Petra means stone in Greek so you could say we know stone….it’s in the name!

We Like History

Stone has a long history. From the ancient pyramids in Egypt to Michelangelo’s statue of David, it has played a big part in our lives around the world. Oh, and don’t forget the Stonehenge and the Colosseum. Some of the most beautiful monuments and buildings around the world have been made out of the same material as your countertops.

We're Stone Geeks

It’s amazing to see what man has made with stone, but don’t forget the best sculptor of all. From Rainbow Bridge located in Glen Canyon to our famous Delicate Arch in Moab, nature has created some of the most incredible formations.

It's In The Name

We think stone history is fun, and we love finding new ways to use it. Although the stone being added to your home is “new,” the stone itself is hundreds of years old, and it continues to tell a beautiful story. Like we said, we’re stone geeks, it’s in the name.
